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The Super-duper useful event productions checklist! 

Take it from us, when you’re organising an event the most important thing isn’t your headline speaker or act, your...
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So, what are 3 hot event trends for 2025?

If you’re running events this year, then rest assured, you’re in for an exciting time! Why? Not only is fast...
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How not to be Mr Bean (our top 11 tips for presenting like a pro!)

You can’t fail to cringe when you see Mr Bean – he’s possibly the clumsiest, most inept person on the...
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Your no-corner-cutting contingency and compliance checklist

You’re an old hand at organising amazing events. So, we’re not going to tell you how to suck eggs. But we...
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Is your video conferencing a boardroom embarrassment?

There are some pretty scary stats about what your employees get up to during video conferences. According to Polly and Zippia, up to...
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How you ran the perfect event without tears, tantrums, or trepidation

Congratulations, you’ve just run the most amazing event ever. It was so interesting, well-organised, and engaging that you received fabulous...
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female spectator is bored with the event and looks at her phone

3 ways you could be driving your event attendees away, in droves

We don’t like to be negative, but every now and then, we feel we need to yell, ‘Whoa, please DON’T...
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An event attendee wears vr glasses and play car racing video games

7 standout ideas for your events in 2024. (You’re welcome.)

Every year is unique, with new challenges, new trends and harder to delight audiences! And 2024 is no exception. Given...
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Mitch Colton speaking about CCT Productions during an interview

Case Study Video: SMBiT Professionals

Our very own Mitch Colton sits down with Wayne Small, CEO of SMBiT Professionals to discuss how CCT Productions have...
Colourful image of a LED screen with the word LED

Let it shine: All the reasons to love LED walls

If you’re still watching plasma TV at home, you’re in the minority - and we hate to say it, but...
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People in a crowd at an event

How to make your hybrid event sing!

Despite thinking everyone would joyously rush back to face-to-face events after the Covid restrictions were lifted, it hasn’t been so....
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A survival guide for event managers

Organising end-of-year events is fun - said no overloaded event manager, ever. As we head into one of the busiest...
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Fundraising is easy. Said no one ever

Fundraising is easy. Said no one ever (except perhaps Bob Geldof).

When someone tells you that <insert your fundraising cause here> is a great reason for an event, and you won’t...
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5 ways to boost the SEO value of your video

5 ways to boost the SEO value of your video

Congratulations, you’ve made a great video. It ticks all the boxes. It’s emotionally engaging, informative, and well-made. But, remembering there...
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Lights, cameras, action! Make your live stream event a blockbuster.

Live streaming is where it’s at. With 63% of people aged 18–34 watching live streaming content regularly, it’s probably no...
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Don’t underestimate the power of great event design.

So, you think you’ve got your event nailed? You’ve got a great line-up of content and speakers, and it’s all...
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An event production desk set up, with a lady standing in front of it.

Bullyology shares its culture-changing messaging, virtually

After Jessica Hickman experienced first-hand the devastating impact of workplace bullying in 2017, she may have felt a bit down,...
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Three women sit on a stage with a pink glittery backdrop

It’s one big happy Huddle with the team from CCT

The Huddle is a business event designed to help female entrepreneurs build an online presence, navigate the complexities of social...
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A shallow depth of field of a mixing desk with lots of buttons knobs and green lights

What type of video is your business missing?

Types of videos that every business can use Perhaps you’ve only thought of using video to promote your products or...
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A man is being filmed in front of a green screen.

Questions you should ask in a video case study (and other tips!)

A case study is a compelling way to showcase your business. Storytelling involving real clients with real problems and great...
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An event production desk set up, with a lady standing in front of it.

Here’s how to write the perfect video brief

How exciting! You’ve decided to invest in a video to get your message across, and that’s a great idea. Video...
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A Panasonic video camera with a CCT Productions sticker on it.

Why is video marketing so powerful?

If you’ve been thinking about using video as part of your marketing strategy – you’re not alone. In fact, if...
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Event coming up?
Get in touch to see how we can help
